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COVID 19 Preventive Measures That Reduce The Spread

COVID 19: Preventive Measures That Reduce The Spread

Perfect Balance Enzymes


Planning is Prevention

Before I leave my place to go shop for food these days, I find myself preparing a few things in advance that limit the spread of COVID-19 in my home.


Where do you put your groceries when you get home?

I usually put my groceries on my kitchen counter-top; sometimes on the floor by the entry-way, and sometimes the kitchen floor if the kitchen counter-top is cluttered.


I clean the sinks and counter-top with warm soapy water, after rinsing out the rag out a few times, I wipe the counter-top down again to get rid of any soap residue.

After drying the counter-top, I line it with an un-opened trash bag to place my groceries.

I’ll use the trash bag to throw all of the plastic grocery bags away when I’m done.

I fill one bowl with water and 2 tbsp of baking soda to soak my fruits and vegetables; and I fill the other bowl with water to rinse them off.

I used to save all of my plastic grocery bags to use as trash bags until...DAMN YOU COVID-19 :)
— A Bachelor

Yes, I washed the bananas. What do you want me to tell you? I want to live :) I do enjoy a cold apple, but what about the bananas? I didn’t want them to over ripen or go bad on the counter, so I put them in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process. It worked, and they are really good cold.


I sanitized all of the packaged food with water and a few drops of bleach, and let air dry.

Once everything was all put away, I cleaned the sinks and counter-top with a rag and some warm soapy water. After rinsing out the rag, I gave the surfaces another wipe down with some running tap water ‘again’, and finally after drying the sinks and counter-top, I spray bleach-water to disinfect.

All the rags and towels went into the washing machine with all of my clothes that I wore to the store, even my sneakers and KC Chiefs hat; they all get washed with bleach, laundry detergent, and liquid lysol…I know…it’s a thing.

One last thing to do, disinfect the front door knob!

Finally, I take a shower, moisturize, and that’s-that!


If you have any helpful tips that would help me and others, please leave a comment below.

These are good hygiene-habits that’ll reduce your exposure to a lot of different forms of pesticides, bacteria, fungus, and viral contagions.
— Richard Paradise

It’s going to be an evolving process, and I know these new ‘behaviors’ and ‘habits’ are going to take a minute to become the new norm, and I’m ok with that. the meanwhile, continue to be alert and aware of your surroundings.


Adhere to good social distancing practices.

Actively support your immune system with good thoughts, healthy-food, exercise, deep breathing, sunshine and prayer.
— Richard Paradise